This a companion to Gene Getz’s book, Elders and Leaders: God’s Plan for Leading the Church.
Volume One is complete and it brings you the first twelve issues foundational to the qualifications, role and effectiveness of the Governing Board member.
Each issue is built upon the CCBT Six-Step W.I.S.D.O.M™ Process which helps a group of individuals who have a desire to lead well, to interact as a functioning team effectively carrying out the ministry to a local body of believers.
Table of Contents:
- Issue 1: Learning in Community — How Can Eldership Be Spiritual and Enjoyable?
- Issue 2: Roles — What Does the Bible Say About Elders?
- Issue 3: Soul Care — How Can Elders Stay in Tune with God?
- Issue 4: Character — How Mature Do Elders Need to Be?
- Issue 5: Selection — How Should Churches Select and Appoint Elders?
- Issue 6: Authority — Who Really Leads the Church?
- Issue 7: Prayer — How Should Elders Pray With and For Their People?
- Issue 8: Shepherds — How Can Elders Care for the Flock and Lead with Excellence?
- Issue 9: Managers — How Should Elders Manage Their Family and God’s Family?
- Issue 10: Equippers — How Can Elders Pass the Leadership Baton?
- Issue 11: Elders and Staff — How Can They Work Well Together?
- Issue 12: Conflict — How Can Elders Resolve Church Disputes?